Sheriff Cocktail: Part 6

Now I finished up the last post after discovering the Sheriff game ran with the I/O board from HeliFire and possibly tracing the issue to a bank of counter ICs. Unfortunately, due to being very new to arcade repair I didn’t have any replacement parts. So off to eBay I went and ordered a variety…

Sheriff Cocktail: Part 5

So in my last update on this restoration I had assembled the cocktail and discovered the board gave me nothing!The next step was to work with my friend Paul and try and diagnose the issue that was stopping the board booting. We had a quick look over it a few weeks back and with swapping…

Sheriff Cocktail: Part 4

So after a trip to B&Q (other DIY retailers are available…) I returned with a Dremel to allow me to remove the stubborn nuts and bolts. So with a cutting disc attached, the work began: The disc cut through the bolts with ease (although the locking shims were a bit “sparky”): So after attacking all…

Sheriff Cocktail: Part 3

As the Sheriff cocktail was nearly empty, I decided that I’d spend a couple of hours finishing off removing every thing. As we saw in the previous post, a lot of additions were included in this cocktail. I’d torn out all of the PC parts (and took them to our local recycling centre today!) and…

Sheriff Cocktail: Part 2

I appreciate it’s a very long time since “Part 1” of the Sheriff cocktail blog, but I have been caught up with life (moving house, buying a house and moving house again! Plus work!). Now we’re just about settled in the new house (and after a very disappointing arcade delivery, more on that in another…

Sheriff Cocktail: Part 1

My ever growing collection of Nintendo cocktails was increased by two this last month with two, very sorry looking Sheriff cocktails. Both had had a rough life, but between the pair of them (plus a few extra parts) I should be able to resurrect one nice cabinet. The main missing part from both cocktails is…